Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Sleeping pills; Use vs Abuse. Know the difference

If we are all honest with ourselves, there is more than likely not a time which we have at some point in time resorted to some form of sleeping aids to assist us with falling asleep- for whatever those reasons may have been.

Insomnia, sleeplessness nights, tossing and turning, watching the clock, stressful situations looping through our minds are all too common for most of us. While sleeping pills offer much needed relief, and can certainly help us to get some really good restorative rest; they alone are not the only solution and if we are not careful, can very quickly lead to dependency and addiction. It’s therefore vital that we properly educate ourselves (or perhaps someone else we may know using sleeping aids) so that use does not lead to abuse.

Let’s first review some of the most common reasons why we would use sleeping aids;

  • Any changes in routine or environment, such as a new job, a move, or any other temporary stressful situations.
  • Recovering from an illness or operation, particularly where pain needs to be managed and restorative healing needs to take place.
  • Dealing with grief or any emotional upheavals which may inhibit proper rest
  • Taking naps during the day
  • Sleeping in an environment not conducive to rest, such as too light or too noisy or an uncomfortable bed, or a partner who snores
  • Hormonal changes with PMS or change of life can greatly affect the ability to sleep

While sleeping pills ordered online can certainly alleviate all of the above to ensure a restful nights’ sleep, it is important to adhere to the following guidelines so that use does not lead to abuse and addiction;

  • Consult with your doctor first to attain the correct prescription for your particular ailment. This is to avoid contra-indications to other medications and avoid allergies and side-effects
  • Do not use more than the recommended dosage, nor for more than the prescribed time period
  • Do not mix with alcohol or any other drugs as this will have an adverse effect
  • Take your sleep medication with a large glass of water to keep your system hydrated
  • Do not take your sleep medication unless you are in fact ready to retire for the night
  • Be sure to set aside at least 7-8 hours of sleep to avoid any residue of the medication in your system by the following day
  • Keep a close eye out for any unusual side-effects and report these to your doctor immediately

And finally, if you- or anyone you know who are using sleeping aids, it is vital that you watch for these symptoms of abuse and potentially lead to addiction;

  • Slurred speech
  • Uncoordinated movements
  • Unsteady gait
  • Inability to focus
  • Impaired memory
  • Unusual euphoria
  • Needing larger doses to fall asleep
  • Trying and failing to quit more than once
  • Ignoring social, professional and familial obligations
  • Seeming confused or frequently detached

These are all signs of abuse and addiction and need assistance immediately. Do not hesitate to seek professional help. Do not stop taking the medication abruptly, but rather allow your doctor to assist you in creating a program to wean the medication out of your system, as you may suffer from very severe withdrawals.

For further 24- hour online assistance or how to best order your sleeping pills online, please visit our website.